We are pleased to offer a series of repair manuals and instructional papers that give a detailed explaination that can help you service your National Turbine cast iron centrifugal blowers.

While these manuals were written to help you service your National Turbine blower or exhauster, they are also applicable to Lamson™, Gardner Denver Lamson™ and select HSI/Atlas Copco™ units.

Please feel to download any of these documents for future reference.

While we believe that these instructions are applicable to units manufactured by other than National Turbine, these manufacturers may have made changes to their design that we are not aware of. We highly recomment you contact your blower manufacturer for specific instructions for your equipment.

We will be adding to the list of documents as they become available. If you don't see the answers to your question, please feel free to call or e-mail us.


* Changing the bearings on your grease lubricated air blower or exhauster ARTICLE CLICK HERE

* How to gauge the proper impeller height in a cast iron centrifugal ARTICLE CLICK HERE